And here are the 'after mom visited' photos! Enjoy.
A shot from the front door....
Living Room
Creative new use for my sofa back!

A closer look.....

View of the living room from the dining room....

I think the fleur-de-lis is my favorite part of the whole place.....
My mom found it at a cute antique store in La Jolla. It was damaged so it was under $20!
After a little Gorilla Glue and MANY coats of crackle paint it's as good as new.

I have a butler in my dining room.

A view of the dining room from the kitchen
We found this cute Nicole Miller trash can at Tuesday Morning.

La Cocina

Plenty o' stemware......
And is that a margarita pitcher I see? With tahitian highball tumblers?

This is the schmancy house warming coffee maker my dad and Linda bought for me! It grinds the beans and then automatically puts them into the filter thing and starts brewing. I still haven't gotten tired of watching it do its thing in the morning.

To the bathroom.........
mon parissiene bathroom

WOW, Taylor!!! Looks GREAT! How fun!!!! i LOVE the fleur de lis too! It looks so homey! congrats!
Thanks Kelley! I think we all need to break in the condo with a girls movie night. :)
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