Aug 9, 2012


I turned thirty a few days ago, and it's true what they say. You know, they. They who say thirty will be the best decade of your life. They who say all of the self doubt and awkwardness falls away and the 'real you' emerges. They who say all of the incredible life lessons you've learned and observed for the last thirty years are able to be lived and implemented effortlessly.

I took the photo above at the Feet First/Blogshop workshop I did last Spring. I almost didn't go because I was so worried that my skill level wouldn't be up to par. GAWD I'm so glad the insecure me didn't win out. I'm so tired of listening to her, anyway. She's so 'twenties.'

I was scrolling through photos last night and decided that this temporary tattoo by tattly will be this decade's theme.

Let's do this.

Let's do this blog {regularly}. Let's do this photography{regularly}. Let's do this dating thing that everyone keeps talking about {gulp}. Let's do this beautiful life.


{Erica} said...

You can DO IT!! I have to say 30 (and 31 so far) have been some of the best years of my life. I feel like I know who I am better and could care less what others's quite liberating!

Also...I read in a men's magazine that men think women are at their most attractive at ages 30-33...SWEET!

Cameron said...

...and I want to watch you DO all these things...well, not, um, you know what I mean!!!

Thirties are an awesome time.....but, now that I'm halfway between 39 and 40...I'm hoping there is some carry over...haha!

Happy Belated Birthday, Tay! Hope all your dreams come true!

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