I have developed quite the addiction this week.
Number one sign I have a problem?

Bright Red Tongue.
I have a Snow Cone problem.
This is my fourth one in five days.
I'm dog sitting for Steph's parents and there is a Snow Cone store right on the way home!
How convenient.
Tigers Blood is my fave AND Nina over at CenPho has discovered a NEW snow cone store right by my condo. So, when I am done watching Pugsley and Lola, I will still be able to get my fix.
Also, I've come up with a genius theory to justify my out of control snow cone consumption. I've decided that when the temperature is over 100 degrees, you sweat SO much that the calories in the snow cone are completely cancelled out.
It makes so much sense, right?
I LOVE snow cones! When I was in dance classes (when I was younger) there was a snowcone place across the street that I would go to all the time! YUM...I want one!!
SHUT UP! You're lying!! Tiger's blood is MY FAVORITE!! seriously. we were destined to be friends. the stars are aligned!! have a snow cone for me...i'm so jealous! we have no good snow cone joints around here...
iw ish there was a snowcone place around here...we have none and i want one! ;)
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